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Second Cycle Degree in Geoengineering
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Course Offering

Study programme

Knowledge and skills in structural mechanics, geotechnics, hydrology and hydraulics, geology and engineering geology as well as numerical methods, statistics and geomatics are all integrated in the framework of the Geoengineering program.

The learning objectives of the programme will be implemented through a two-year study plan that foresees the acquisition of a number of ECTS in accordance with the learning objects in the above mentioned sectors.

Students have to pass mandatory exams and the final examination as foreseen by the official Educational Rules of the degree course. In the development of the program, the students have the possibility to insert free-choice courses for similar sectors and totally free-choice courses, stages and traineeship in companies, private and public agencies, as described and in accordance with the official Educational Rules of the degree course .

study plan



last update: 29-July-2024
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